If you're unable to locate the information on a document, please feel free to use the following instructions on how to locate the information in your personal tax account.
To access the relevant page with the HMRC, press the following link.
Link: HMRC’s login page
Please note - The link above will redirect you to the HMRC online services page.
1. Click the green "Sign in >" button.
2. Sign up using your Government Gateway ID and password, then press "Sign in"
3. Next you'll need to authenticate your account before you log in to your account.
This is done by SMS, Authentification app, or phone call, depending on how you set your HMRC account up.
Below is an example of the screen shown from an SMS access code.
4. Once you've gained access to your account, select 'View and save your National Insurance number'
5. You'll now be shown your National Insurance number.
💡 Did you know...
You can add your National Insurance number to your phone wallet for easier access!
All you'll need to do is log into your HMRC account, access your National Insurance number and select the appropriate "wallet" as shown in the image above.
If you do not have a Personal Tax account, please use the following article in the link below;
How to create a Government Gateway account.
Need more help?
If we can offer any further support or guidance in completing this process, please feel free to contact our Beamin Customer Service at help@beamin.co.uk